Be aware of the reverse psychology that the enemy tries to play on our minds.
There was a dream I had about a particular person that did not like me very well. This person had wrote a book about why they didn't like me and their perspective of me. There were several personal pictures in the book of myself and others surrounded by me as if we were all being followed. As I was reading this in the book store I felt betrayed and I had become angry. When it came time to confront the person they turned from human to something evil.
I felt the Lord was shedding light not only on that person, but myself as well. You see that was a sign that because this person didn't like me I had emotions of fear, insecurities, worry, and stress. It was a setup for the enemy to derail These were emotions that were weighing me down to where I was at a stand still in my life. They had taken control of my mind and I allowed them to mske decisions for me from my health to my education.
The enemy will place fear into our mind first and then it will start to trickle down to the important parts of the body that we need to put action to our dreams. Whether it's writing a book, planning events, or brainstorming ideas, we want to make sure our mind is clear of what the enemy wants it to be consumed by. If the enemy can cripple our minds first it will shut down everything else within our body and ends up making us stuck in the same place or places in our lives.
When a person is considered brain dead nothing within their bodies are working properly and they are equivalent to a vegetable. Our brains are valuable to our bodies, if we are brain dead we cannot function. We have to realize that our mind is the most critical part of what our purpose is on earth. If our mind is wrapped in fear and other toxic emotions our body will never get to the point of leaving our comfort zones. We continue to hold back on our gifts and what life God has for us to live. I look at it as another form of being brain dead.
We are not the ones to determine what God has placed us on the earth for, only HE can. The fact that this person had placed so many emotions within me was surprising. But God also allowed me to see that it wasn't the person doing this, it was Satan working through this person in order to accomplish his plan. There are going to be people that come in our paths that are working specifically for the enemy. These people may not even be aware of this, but if you are aware of what's going on pray that enemy's plan will cease in your life as well as the person that the enemy is using life as well.
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