What’s up people? So this is a topic that I have been resisting talking about on my blog because for one it can be potentially be offensive if you don’t read with an open mind. Have you ever thought about how much demand you put on God daily? Sometimes within my prayers I have to recognize and be cautious of how much I’m asking for versus how much I am returning to God. There are many thoughts and questions that I have when I see my fellow peers hoping and praying for certain things which are majority of the time material. Not to say that is bad, but I constantly try to do a self-evaluation for myself to know my limits.
Do you ever sit back and reflect at how lazy you may be when it comes to having a relationship with God?
Now you may be reading this and thinking that this is not for you, and if it isn’t then you can read for pure enjoyment. I think to myself and sometimes and think why I feel God HAS to do this or that for me. The biggest reality check is that he DOES NOT have to do anything for me, he can stop all the blessings at any moment at any time. Even when we don’t deserve any of his love, he is still there and loves us as usual without skipping a beat.
My life for the past couple of months has been about learning to come to him not only about what I need from him, but what does he need from me. Seeking the full examination of my life has led me to build up the courage to tackle the goals I have for myself. For me it is about meeting God in the middle so that he can not only change my surroundings, but to change what is within me. You see we as people can’t be lazy with our relationship with God. If we want to get to a certain level in life no matter where or what that may be there has to be effort put in. People don’t get promotions by just sitting or standing on the sideline wishing and wanting to be in another place.
Proverbs 10:4 “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.”
Sleep and rest is vital for our bodies so that should be thrown in the mix as well. All I am saying is that God is not a Genie in a bottle because things are not going to happen the time that you would like them to. Sometimes it takes years for things to come to pass that God has for you and I’m a living testimony for that as well as others in my circle. The key is to stay consistent, faithful and keep up the good work. Eventually you will look back and realize all the work you put in had a purpose. Stay Faithful and keep your prayers up always! Good Day!
For MOTIVATION purposes check the video below “How to Take Your Life to Next Level” by Trent Shelton
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