Friday, February 20, 2015


Proverbs 20:5 - The purposes of a person's heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.

Definition of Purpose within the dictionary - 
1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
3. determination; resoluteness.
4. the subject in hand; the point at issue.
5. practical result, effect, or advantage: to act to good purpose.

Taking a deeper look into the definition of purpose, the key words that stuck out to me were exists, result, aim, goal, and determination.

Exists - When I think about my purpose I always wonder does it even exists out there? Sometimes I feel as if one day I know what I would like to do in life, then the next day I feel as if I have no clue what direction my life is going in. Somehow I always tend to bring myself back on track with the help of God. He always lets me know that even though my purpose may not be as clear to my eyes, I do exist for a reason.

Result - In my life I may not have received the results that I have expected to receive from certain situations, but the results are not in vein.

Aim - It is always important for me to shoot for a high level of performance for duties that I need to complete in life on a daily basis. This all comes along with being a mother, an employee (no matter where I work), girlfriend, student, and member of a church.

Goal - My opinion on goals are to have a list of goals for each week, even though I am still learning to make a habit of this.  The goals should be pertaining to what path I have consulted with God to take. This list could be as simple as writing down healthy foods to buy at the grocery store or writing down to clean up my room. I feel like sometimes people make their goals unrealistic, meaning they make their goals to big for them to handle in one day. I have recently decided to write down my goals and separate the major ones from the small ones. This is not as difficult tasks if I go into it with an open mind.

Determination - When figuring out what my purpose is in life, I have learned that it takes determination to want to have and maintain a relationship with God in order to know what path I need to take. With my schedule I am exhausted by the time I get home so this is a struggle to do so and maintain. Recently I have not been able to just go to sleep, I literally have to read my bible and pray in order to have a comfortable night of sleep.  

The next verse Proverbs 20:6 states - Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?

Are there people out there that are willing to be faithful to God to find themselves? To tell you the truth there is no way that you will be able to find out who you are without having a true relationship with God, the higher power, whatever name you prefer to call him. I can't comprehend how people can not even acknowledge God by at least blessing their food. How could you ask God to love, protect, and shelter you if you are not faithful yourself? Luckily for us God will love, protect, and shelter us regardless of the situation.

When becoming faithful in Christ I am learning to remain humble within the journey. I have to give back as much if not more as he continues to be faithful to me in spite of. Of course this is easier than it sounds and no it is not easy at all. This journey comes with sacrifice, blood, sweat, and tears. In the end remaining faithful will all be worth it, which is a daily reminder for myself. I have to trust in the Lord with all my heart to guide me in the right direction no matter how imperfect I may be he will guide with daily repentance.

In conclusion learn how to be faithful, stay true to yourself, and remain humble. God promises an abundant life for each and every individual no matter the circumstance or situation.


  1. This was dope. You dissected the meaning of the word into its simplest form, in order to properly receive the insight of its true nature.. Do you see the Irony? check it out.. When we have too much on our plate (dinner).. We dissect the food into its individual pieces. This helps us not only savor each piece, but also assists in helping us digest it better. Taking it a little further..think about it like steak. It comes to us on our plate, Whole. It may look like a lot to take in all at once. So what do we do?... cut it up into pieces.. or dissect it. Bringing all the pieces back together, once we have properly digested it. ..So in relation to food and goals.. we have to DISSECT each part ...In order to properly DIGEST the meaning/nutrients/lesson that God is trying to teach us. This is the reason we bless our food in the beginning - Not realizing that the process we go through before eating, is an essential skill to use in our everyday life to reach our goals and become successful. You are on the right track. Understand that your journey is blessed. Keep going, continue to stay focused, and don't look back ..because your blessings are straight ahead..

    I actually finished typing this on my phone at 3:45am ( its now 4:30).. but when i went to send it, it actually deleted the full thing i had just wrote. Its okay though.. probably just the devil trying to stop me from delivering this message to you. Hope this helps

    -Biggest Fan


Lebron Moves

Hey Everyone! How are you all doing? It has been awhile, but I thought I would jump on here and drop some gems real quick. It's NBA...