Deuteronomy 29:29 NIV
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.
Yesterday on my lunch break I heard a coworker of mines talk about taking a personality test and his results. I found this very interesting and I decided to take the test for myself. My personality results were ENFP. Some of the celebrities with this trait were Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith.
ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types.
Lately I have been doing a a lot of soul searching on possibly how I can change the world with a career that would let me do so. Now when I seen the results for career choices I really asked myself a question. Why am I working hard to be normal?
In life we as people work so hard to be normal that we don't even realize we are doing this to ourselves. Think about it, we get stuck into a routine of going to work and then coming home and going to bed. Have we changed anything within the world by having the same routine? Of course it is not wise to abruptly quit your job and try to figure out things without a plan. By asking myself that question it unlocked a lot of answers I've been waiting for.
On my drive home I was thinking about that test and it led to me having a personal conversation with God asking him what is next in my life? I'm tired of the same routine...what is next? Finally I heard the words loud and clear. "Your life is not yours, it is mines". When I heard those words it finally clicked that I am in the position of doing what I don't want to do because I have tried to control my life by myself instead of letting God take the lead. If I remove myself and let him take the steps ahead of me I will make my life 100 percent easier.
I thank god for this confirmation that took place on yesterday. I am excited about the journey that I have ahead in my life. You should be excited as well because God does not want our lives to be a routine. He wants us to do things that people notice and things that will change people's perspective of life.
The secret things belong to God and if he was to give us everything that would happen in our lives then it would defeat our purpose. We all have to have a journey for a reason. The more we let our journey happen the wiser we become in the Lord.
If you would like to take the personality test I took the website link is below:
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