Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Do we have the power to fight anymore?

The song Fight the Power by Public Enemy came out in the year 1989 (The year I was born) where the culture of Hip Hop was so rich and and vibrant. Our culture was not taking no crap from anyone as they say it and we were willing to stand for what we believe in and who we are. This has me thinking, where did all of that stamina go within my people and why have "we" as in black people have settled to be the laughing stock of the country? Let me start by saying that I am not, by no means trying to down any culture or race, but I only speak from the only view I know and that is of being a black woman. I was taught growing up that I will always have people not like me and sometimes they will not like me simply because of my color. As I've grown older I am starting to understand that concept more than ever. The same social frustrations that were happening back in 1989 is happening today at this very moment. There are politicians that are in the race to be the presidential candidate giving false hope and dreams to our community. As Dick Gregory stated "Political promises are much like marriage vows. They are made at the beginning of the relationship between candidate and voter, but are quickly forgotten." We tend to get even more frustrated as the race starts to look like a circus with much confusion, but these candidates are still wanting our vote whether they do anything for our community or not.
Being a black woman in America is very tough these days. We seem to be fighting a reputation that has been based off of opinions, lies, and a handful that has been able to make it to a national platform that isn't always the best. Don't get me wrong there are A LOT of black women who are great role models and doing things for their communities. It does not mean that I can fall back and say to myself that they can make an imprint for me. I choose to also make an imprint on this earth as well no matter how many good role models their are for black women. I still do not believe that the age group that I'm within or any age in general gets enough credit for what we bring to America. We have style that is taken from others, grace that is tested on a daily basis, and an aura that cannot be replaced by anyone else. We are cut from a strong clothe that is priceless. Now some people have an issue with me saying that some of the people that represent my culture and heritage on television are not as good and they pretty much suck! I only say this because I care about how my people are represented EVERYWHERE!
Our people should get back to business and find that fire to light within themselves to get to work! There is no excitement anymore because life seems to get in the way and once you watch the news you pretty much become depressed. There is so much work to be done within the world and it is out there waiting. The concept of working together and looking out for each other needs to come back into play because people are for themselves only. There needs to be more HEALTHY marriages that take place within the black community, more parents that take control of how their kids operate within the school system, and take back full control of our broken communities to start building them back up to what they can and will be.
Do we even have the power to fight anymore? Or is the power within others hands? These are questions that ask myself on a daily basis. Our human nature is to look out for ourselves, but God teaches us that we are to give without expecting anything in return. This concept can be so hard to go by because you and I may have had so many things taken away from us that we are trying to hold on to the little bit that we have left. In order to get recognized in a positive light there needs to be more giving that takes place. More giving that comes from our hearts, and removing the selfishness. Hopefully this a dream that I can start turning more into a reality, but I can't do it without your help.
But if God got us, we gon' be ALRIGHT!! *Kendrick Lamar voice*

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