Friday, June 3, 2016

Selfie vs. Self Worth

Have you ever wanted to meet someone off of their selfie alone?

We are a generation where taking pictures of ourselves sometimes three or four times a day is normal. You have to wonder do people really value themselves as much as they are making us believe. We are a self-absorbed culture that can’t go without showing or speaking what our next moves may be. Recently I have cut back on taking selfies because honestly I felt like it was getting out of hand. I had to ask myself am I taking selfies in order to get recognition or am I taking them to help myself believe that I am truly beautiful.  Are these likes and comments making me feel more validated and better about myself? I wanted to cut all the noise out and help myself get a better understanding of wellllll myself!

I started to get addicted to this whole process of taking a picture making it look nice aka filters and then posting it to see how many likes or comments I can get within a couple minutes to an hour. Then sometimes it even started to be a way that I can have others say and tell me that I am beautiful on a day where I didn’t really feel it as much. I had to stop and think am I depending on these likes and comments in order to live life to the fullest? I told myself Oh no! Get it together!  Psychology it started to become more of a competition with myself and how I can top a selfie that I’ve done before. I didn’t want selfies to control my life anymore.

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself” – Coco Chanel"

Every now and then I see these selfies with OUTSTANDING quotes on them, but I wonder does the person really feel that way behind the camera and the filters. Majority of the time they probably do and then maybe some don’t, but thought it was fitting for the actual picture. Does the smile that the person have in the picture helping them to stop from crying? As a woman or a male we have to be able to tell ourselves that we are beautiful without posting a ton of pictures to remind ourselves of something we should already know

There is a time and place when pictures are important, but are a ton of selfies really that important to where you have no storage on your phone? For me personally no, and on this new journey I am learning to declutter unnecessary things within my life. Selfies are on the list of many things because I am learning to love myself without looking at myself through a picture. Now this is not a blog to knock anyone that loves to take pictures, but this is where God has me right now.  The fewer pictures I take the more time I have to use the gifts that that God gave meBeing beautiful comes from within, and the more you work on your inward the more the shine will come outward. Signing off now, but remember you are beautiful!

3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  
4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3:3-4 NIV

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